Turning the Tides
Movie Title: Turning the TidesMovie Language: SilentMovie Length: 6:00Movie Synopsis:A young boy moves to a quiet, rainy beach town with only a little red ball for company, but when he looses his ball...
View ArticleMedia Production amaze 2010
Movie Title: Media Production amaze 2010Movie Language: EnglishMovie Length: 1:00Movie Synopsis:This film was created on behalf of Stafforshire University for Media Production's amaze 2010. This films...
View ArticleThe Little Things
Movie Title: The Little ThingsMovie Language: EnglishMovie Length: 3:16Movie Synopsis:'The Little Things' is a short film, focusing on the smaller things in life that can make us happy! Its not always...
View ArticleRemember When
Movie Title: Remember WhenMovie Language: EnglishMovie Length: 7:00Movie Synopsis:'Remember When' is a short film about a young boy, Ben, and his mother. When asked to pick a young dog, it's a much...
View ArticleLights Out
Movie Title: Lights OutMovie Language: EnglishMovie Length: 3:40Movie Synopsis:Alice is a young professional, who doesn't know how to switch off. Its beginning to effect the relationships around her...
View ArticleA Day in the Life
Movie Title: A Day in the LifeMovie Language: SilentMovie Length: 2'52Movie Synopsis:A very simple little film... about a day in the life of a film! Heart warming, heart breaking and a little bit of...
View ArticleThe Kiss (Test) 2011
Movie Title: The Kiss (Test) 2011Movie Language: EnglishMovie Length: 1:12Movie Synopsis:The Kiss is just one scene of a short film I directed last year, based around different moments caught...
View Article42 Days
Movie Title: 42 DaysMovie Language: SilentMovie Length: 2:00Movie Synopsis:In March 2011, Amy and myself boarded a plane to New Zealand. From that moment on we captured as many moments as we could on...
View ArticleStudents... Consumers?
Movie Title: Students... Consumers?Movie Language: EnglishMovie Length: Movie Synopsis:A short movie put together about the attitude towards students, and how the system has started to see them as...
View ArticleSplash
Movie Title: SplashMovie Language: SilentMovie Length: 1:40Movie Synopsis:In another attempt at capturing and editing real life events, with the goal of learning more about the art of documenting......
View ArticleLost Dreams Trailer
Movie Title: Lost Dreams Trailer Movie Language: SilentMovie Length: 1:00Movie Synopsis:A child's imagination is a wonderful thing, dreaming of Bears and castles! But what happens when a dream turns...
View ArticlePariah
Movie Title: PariahMovie Language: EnglishMovie Length: 5:10Movie Synopsis:Created in 48 hours, from scripting, filming, editing, casting... the whole process, to exporting. We were given the words:...
View ArticleLost Dreams - Behind The Scenes
Movie Title: Lost Dreams - Behind The ScenesMovie Language: EnglishMovie Length: 2:10Movie Synopsis:Behind the Scenes of Lost Dreams! When making our last ever 'uni' short, we wanted to make sure we...
View ArticleTimeless
Movie Title: TimelessMovie Language: SilentMovie Length: 2:12Movie Synopsis:My talented housemate Amy Hill paints amazing pieces of art, so here's a little film of her painting one of these, the...
View ArticleGrandmother Anglim
Movie Title: Grandmother AnglimMovie Language: SilentMovie Length: 2:21Movie Synopsis:In this video, I have collected a selection of old films from the 70's, and tried to create a nostalgic yet...
View ArticleSnowman Timelapse Test
Movie Title: Snowman Timelapse TestMovie Language: SilentMovie Length: 0:40Movie Synopsis:This was a little experiment I had with my gopro, to see the effects I could create with the timelapse setting....
View ArticleInterview with Filmmaker Sorcha Anglim on Filmmaking and Film Production
Movie Title: Interview with Filmmaker Sorcha Anglim on Filmmaking and Film ProductionMovie Language: EnglishMovie Length: 7:12Movie Synopsis:London-based filmmaker Sorcha Anglim (@sorcha_a) visits the...
View ArticleLA to New York - 1 second per day video
Movie Title: LA to New York - 1 second per day videoMovie Language: SilentMovie Length: 0:30Movie Synopsis:1 second of every day! Filed as I traveled from LA to New York in 25 days!Link: click to watch
View Article2.5 months, 1 second every day!
Movie Title: 2.5 months, 1 second every day! Movie Language: SilentMovie Length: 1:20Movie Synopsis:For 2 and a half months, I traveled in North and Central America... And Iceland. Here is 1 second I...
View ArticleZion Journey!
Movie Title: Zion Journey!Movie Language: SilentMovie Length: 0:15Movie Synopsis:Just a short Video, to go with my 'Zion National Park' Blog!Link: click to watch
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